
Refugee Action

How to contact our Services

We currently do not have a physical office in Bradford, but we are in the process of securing a new office soon. Until we move into a new office we will be operating on hybrid model, which is working remotely as well as doing outreach sessions in various community venues. We have a single point of referral pathway to all our services in Bradford and all new referrals will be assessed by a duty caseworker who will decide which project/s is appropriate to support you based your needs as well as sign post you to other services when it is possible.

Email: [email protected]

Duty Phone: On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9:45am and 1pm, call us on 07703608969.

Please contact us to refer yourself or someone else to any of our services. We will always endeavour to reply promptly.

Children & Family Service

The Children and Families Service offers one to one support as wells group activities for refugee and asylum seekers families as they arrive in Bradford.  

Our Children & Families Project is now split into the following three sub projects closely working together: 

Families Early Help project – this project offers specialist casework support to asylum seeking families where they have additional needs that aren’t being met by universal services (such as Migrant Help, Accommodation Providers, Schools or Health Providers) and require additional support under the Local Authority Early Help Framework.  

Asylum Crisis project – this project supports asylum seeking families with children who might need assistance in accessing housing and financial support mainly from the Home Office while trying to work with other agencies to meet the families’ other needs.   

The BRAVE Project: is an expert by experience led project focusing on integration and wellbeing activities for asylum seekers in Bradford. This is for all service users at Refugee Action, but with a specific focus on families.  r yourself or someone else to any of our services. We will always endeavour to reply promptly.

Advice and Wellbeing Services

Advice and Wellbeing is a service delivered in partnership with Solace. Refugee Action provides specialist OISC immigration advice to asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers and refugees in combination with wellbeing support from Solace. We also provide signposting and referral support to help prevent mental health crises from developing. 

We provide:

  • Advice and advocacy support to resolve or assist with immigration and practical issues which are causing increased stress or exacerbating trauma symptoms. 
  • Immigration advice and casework support for complex cases for refused asylum seekers and refugees to assist those who are destitute or at risk of destitution. This includes, some fresh claims on protection or family life grounds where legal aid is not available, leave to remain applications for refused asylum seekers on family grounds prioritising cases involving children, complex domestic violence cases who are unable to access legal aid and other complex cases where there are additional vulnerabilities for asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers and refugees (please contact us if in doubt)
  • A combination of one to one therapy for refugees and asylum seekers suffering from trauma symptoms (delivered by Solace)
  • A weekly wellbeing group for those with lower levels of need, or who need supplementary input in addition to one to one support.   This group focuses on stress management techniques. (Delivered by Solace & Refugee Action) 

Contact Details



No Current Physical Address