Refugee Integration Service

Support from  Bradford Council for new refugees as individuals and family groups. We mostly work with refugees (single, couples and families) who have very recently received Leave to Remain in Bradford and are due to be evicted from Mears / Home Office housing.

We can help with:

  • Housing
  • Claiming Universal credit
  • Applying for benefits, loans and grants
  • Opening a bank account/banking app
  • Applying for UK driving license
  • Applying for help to furnish a new home (beds, kitchen items, furniture)
  • Supporting family members who join later through family reunion.
  • Learning English
  • Studying & training
  • Finding a job
  • Supporting you to become a valued member of the community of Bradford

This service is part of Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber, managed by Migration Yorkshire. It is co-funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Contact Details



Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1JF