Caring for Your Family

Caring for a Baby or Young Child

This section includes :

  • how to register a birth
  • how to register a new baby with your GP
  • Health Visitors
  • support groups and free things for new babies
  • parenting
  • mental health
  • support with money

How to register a birth with Bradford Council

If you have recently had a baby in Bradford, by law you must register the birth with Bradford Council within 42 days.

If you are married to the baby’s mother or father, you can choose to register the birth together or on your own. If you are not married, both parents can register together, but only the mother can register on her own.

You need to provide certain information about the baby, yourself and the other parent.
This includes full names, dates of birth, home address and your employment.

You also need to provide ID for yourself and the baby’s other parent:

  • photo ID (e.g. passport, travel document, driving licence, biometric residence permit, permanent residence card)
  • birth certificate

You can find out more and make an appointment to register a birth.

How to register your baby with a GP

You should register your baby with your GP as soon as possible.

You can use the pink card you are given when you register your baby’s birth.

Sign the card and take or post it to your GP.

If you want the GP to see your baby before you’ve registered the birth, you can go to the GP surgery and fill in a registration form there.

Health visitors

Health visitors are qualified NHS nurses or midwives who work in the local community to support the health of babies, young children and their families.

If you have had your baby in Bradford you will automatically get referred to the health visitor team.

If you are new to Bradford and your child was not born here but is under 5 years old, you can ask your GP to make a referral for you.

Or you can contact the health visitor team directly.

You will meet your health visitor first when you are 28-34 weeks pregnant.

After this, they will visit you at your home when the baby is around 10-14 days old and 6-8 weeks old.

They will also do 2 health reviews for your child up to the age of 2 years-old.

Health visitors can provide lots of guidance on caring for your baby including:

  • baby’s health and development
  • immunisations
  • breastfeeding
  • supporting your emotional health

You can find out more about health visitors and get more information on caring for your baby on the Bradford District Care Trust website.

Support Groups and free things for your new baby

There is support available for parents in Bradford, and you may be able to:

  • join a friendly group
  • get help to feel OK
  • get help with baby equipment, nappies, clothes etc.
  • get information and skills to give your child a really good start in life

On this website you can find out where to contact:

  • Baby Basics
  • Baby Buddy
  • Bradford Doula Service
  • Bradford Refugee New Beginnings Group (Bevan)
  • Better Start Bradford – (check your postcode) – including
    • Free ESOL + classes for pregnant women
    • Perinatal support service – emotional support for new parents
    • HENRY – Health, Exercise, Nutrition for the Really Young – support programme
    • Talking Together – for parents of 2-3 year olds who need help with speaking
    • Better Start Imagination Library
  • Gianna Baby Bank Plus
  • Parents in the Lead
  • POPI (Pass on Pre-loved Items)


Children’s centres are really good places to get support and guidance to care for your baby or child, but also to look after your own health and wellbeing, meet other parents, make friends and get support. Find out more from your local Family Hub.

The Access Team at Bradford Council can help you find support in your area.

Or call the Bradford Council Helpline for an up to date list of parenting courses in the area.

The Baby Buddy app offers lots of support during pregnancy and after the baby is born until it is 6 months old. The app has lots of videos and information to support you to care for yourself and your baby. Baby Buddy is available as a website as well an app.

Or you can join Netmums (FREE) – and follow their online parenting course.


It is important for babies and children to have their immunisations, to stay well.

This protects children from many serious illnesses.

Find out about immunisations.

And you can ask at your GP surgery, or ask your Health Visitor.

Mental Health

Did you know, it is actually quite common to have problems with your mental health during pregnancy or afterwards?

If you are a mum or a dad and you have been feeling low, depressed or anxious, you should not feel embarrassed or ashamed. It does not make you a bad parent and it is ok to ask for help.

You can speak to your midwife, health visitor or GP, and they will help you find ways to feel better. They can help you access support, including groups with other new parents, practical support and ways to feel less stressed.

Find out more on the Healthy Minds website.

Support with money

Caring for a baby or small child can be very expensive.

The Money Advice Service website has helpful tips on ways you can save money.

It also has information about welfare benefits and grants you may be able to access.

If you do not have enough money to buy essential items for your baby, for example, nappies, infant formula or bigger items like a baby mat, then you can get help.

Bradford Baby Bank can give you some free items.

Baby Basics Bradford

Gianna Baby Bank ‘Plus’  – referrals and general enquiries.

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